Dealership Valuation

Do you know the EXACT value of your dealership?

Here are just some of the reasons why you need to know.


  • If you’re selling your dealership, knowing the exact value allows you to price it intelligently.
  • If you’re BUYING a dealership, this information helps you negotiate strategically.


Estate Planning?? Accurate financial information is IMPERATIVE.


Giving you the exact value of your dealership allows you to make well
informed decisions so you can successfully navigate through these and other issues.

  • Bank negotiations
  • Divorce
  • IRS Issues
  • Succession Plans
  • Yearly Financial Performance Reviews


The West Cohan Group provides the experience, knowledge, and
professionalism to give you the accurate value and financial
analysis to expand, explore, defend, or negotiate from a position of
strength, awareness, and leverage.


Our group has successfully completed thousands of business evaluations and financial analyses for over 40 years.


And we have done this with proven accuracy.


Contact us to learn more!